Disability Access at our Upcoming Seminar

We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure our upcoming Melbourne Seminar Growing up Autistic in a Neurotypical World can be enjoyed by all and am pleased to announce that this event will include:

  • Free Companion Registration

  • Unisex Bathroom

  • Accessible Bathroom

  • Accessible Seating

  • Accessible Parking

  • Live Captions

  • Hearing Loop

  • Hidden Disability Sunflower program

We are also proud to present to you our very first social story for the seminar which can now be downloaded from the button below. This is a feature we have been working hard on and hope to include in all our future events.

If you would like to attend Growing up Autistic in a Neurotypical World, however have some questions about its accessibility please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to assist you.

We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd of March

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Consultant, Speaker

Image Description

Image 1: A photo of a theatre with a white square overlay in the centre. inside the square in black writing are the words Event Accessibility. Under the writing are the accessibility symbols of the Hidden disability sunflower, Live captions, companion card, hearing loop and the universal accessibility symbol.

Image 2: A photo of the front cover of a social story. The cover comprises of a background photo of a mural describing autism with a white square overlay in the centre. at the top of the white square in black writing are the words Growing up Autistic in a Neurotypical World and below in purple writing are the words Social Story. Underneath in smaller black writing are the words created by followed by the Bryce Pace - Autism Advocate Logo.


Growing up Autistic in a Neurotypical World Postponed


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