Bryce Pace - Autism Advocate Turns 5 Today!

Today marks 5 years since Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate was born. 5 years since I wrote the facebook post that began my advocacy journey. 5 years ago I came home frustrated and disappointed in how my school peers where using autism as a way to insult each other, so I did what any typical teenager does, I logged onto facebook and vented what was on my mind in the form of a facebook post. At the time all I was wanting to do was get what was on my mind out into the world, little did I know how much this post was not only going to change my life but the lives of the people my work reaches. 

A lot has happened since that night 5 years ago. I have facilitated workshops right across Victoria, featured in online videos, newspapers, radio shows and magazines. I have participated on panels at conferences and while doing all this I have met some amazing people along the way who have assisted in making Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate what you see today.

Today I would like to thank everyone who has assisted in the growth of Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate. I would like to thank the Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS), the Youth Affairs Council Of Victoria (YACVIC), Get Skilled Access, Kaiko Fidgets and the Glenelg and Southern Grampians learning and employment network to just name a few. I would also like to thank everyone who has supported us by attending our workshops and following us on social media, if it wasn’t for you we would not be running today.

During our short break in 2020 we had some time to reflect on how far we have come and also to begin thinking about the future of Bryce Pace – Autism advocate and I can’t wait to share our new projects with you all in the near future; however for now you’ll have to wait.  I am very proud of what Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate has been able to achieve in our short 5 year life, and I look forward to sharing the next five years with you all as we work to grow our services and continue to work towards our mission of creating a world that accepts, includes and embraces the autism spectrum.

 Thank You

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker


Happy International Day Of People WITH DISABILITY!


Happy World Autism Acceptance Day