April is Autism Acceptance Month. This is a month where we can celebrate what makes us unique, and advocate for a more accepting and inclusive world. It is a month where we can educate the wider community about what it truly means to be on the autism spectrum, and thanks to Covid 19 Restrictions beginning to ease this year we can once again celebrate face to face. 

This year I would like to encourage everyone to get out of the house and celebrate Autism Acceptance Month by attending an event near you, holding a dress up day at your school or workplace, participating in Hoodie Up on the 30th of April or just hanging out with friends and family. After what we experienced last year it is important to once again get outside, join together and celebrate Autism Acceptance Month as a community.

Happy Autism Acceptance Month

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker



Happy World Autism Acceptance Day


We Are Reopening!