Bryce Pace - Autism Advocate Turns 4 Today
Today we celebrate four years of Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate. Four years since I wrote the Facebook post that started my advocacy Journey. When I wrote that Facebook post I was just aiming to get what was on my mind out into the world, little did I know how much that post would not only change my life but those of the people who it reached. If you ha of told me four years ago that I would be running my own business with the goal of changing how people view autism I would most definitely not have believed you as I was still hiding my autism from the world and working toward becoming a carpenter. Today I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way; The Victorian Student Representative Council, YDAS - Youth Disability Advocacy Service, Youth Affairs Council Victoria, Uniting Wimmera, Get Skilled Access and Kaiko Fidgets to just name a few. Without your assistance we would not be where we are today, I am proud of the work we have been able to do with the support of these wonderful people and I look forward to our future work as Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate grows. I started Bryce Pace – Autism advocate with the view that if I assisted in making just one autistic person’s life better, I would have done my job and I am proud to still stand by this view today. All our services here at Bryce Pace – Autism advocate aim to improve the lives of those of us on the autism spectrum whether it be through educating the wider community or providing businesses, organisations, and events with the resources they need to make their services more inclusive. For those of you who are new and haven’t had a chance to read our first post feel free to read it below.
Bryce Pace
Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker