Bryce Pace - Autism Advocate

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Happy World Autism Acceptance Month

April is World Autism Acceptance Month. This is a month that is usually very active for the autism community with many events planned, however as I am sure you are aware with current world events, this year is going to be very different, however, this doesn’t mean we can’t still celebrate in other ways. This Autism Acceptance month I would like to encourage everyone to celebrate in your own unique way, celebrate your individuality, who you are whether that be by decorating your home, posting online a picture or video of your special interest or using the time to catch up with fellow autistics. These are difficult and uncertain times for us all which is why I would like to make this World Autism Acceptance Month a time where we can come together from a distance to support and celebrate what makes us amazing and unique. Throughout the month I will be providing opportunities for everyone to support each other, chat and share stories and your experiences so as to keep us in touch and who knows, we may learn something new in the process. I would like to wish everyone a Happy World Autism Acceptance Month and I look forward to seeing how you celebrate online.

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker