Bryce Pace - Autism Advocate

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Covid - 19 Update

Hi everyone, in response to last night's announcement from the Prime Minister regarding the current Covid – 19 (Coronavirus) outbreak we at Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate are making some changes to our services so as to stay in touch with the wider community.

As social gatherings are now limited to two people the power of the internet has come into play through the use of zoom. Through this online platform, we are able to continue to offer Professional Development and public speaking services so as to ensure we can continue to offer our unique workshops through this uncertain time. If you are interested in having us run a workshop for your business, school, scout group or youth group feel free to contact us by heading to the link below.

Due to current restrictions, we have also made the decision to suspend our Recharge Room services until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience and encourage you to keep an eye on our social media and website for further developments.

We would like to thank everyone for your support, especially during this uncertain and unpredictable time. This is a difficult time for everyone with changes in routine and shortages in supermarkets, and your continued support is much appreciated.

Thank You

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker