Recharge Rooms In Schools Pilot Program
Hi everyone, I have some exciting news. For the past 11 months, I have been working on a pretty cool project called the Recharge Rooms In Schools Program. This program allows schools to host one of my innovative Recharge Rooms permanently giving students of all abilities a safe and quiet space to go to relax and recharge at any point in the day that they feel overloaded. This program is one of a kind as it includes a consultation service in which I speak to school council, staff and students to design a space that suits the individual needs of your school and I assist in installing the space making the process as easy as possible. I am now looking for interested schools in Victoria to pilot this program in 2019. Pilot schools will be able to access this program at a subsidised cost and will act as a template for the future of this program. As many parents and teachers can agree this is a service that is long overdue, we lose too many young people who could possibly make a significant impact on our world because they cannot cope with mainstream school and it is time to act now before yet more young people slip between the cracks. If you are interested in being one of the pilot schools, feel free to email: and if you have any questions feel free to also email the above email or leave a comment below.Thanks Bryce pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker