Happy Mother's Day

Parents are an important part of any bodies life. Our parents teach us things that we can’t learn from a school, they teach us that there is no crime in being different, that being different is a blessing as life would be boring if everyone were the same. Growing up knowing that you are different from everyone else can be difficult. We get teased, bullied and sometimes hurt by people who don’t understand us, however, thanks to our parents there is a place where we can go, where we are accepted for who we are; a place where we are free to be our quirky and unique selves. A place that we call home but mean so much more than just the building we live in.My Mother is no exception, as she taught me that there is nothing wrong with being different and most importantly She was always there for me when I most needed her. While I was being bullied in Primary school she provided a place where I was free to be myself without being judged. When I wanted to hide my diagnosis from everyone in secondary school she told no one, and when I was exhausted from hiding my true self she provided me with time to recharge and I thank her for this. When I wrote my first blog post two years ago she was proud of me however like me was not expecting what came next. Despite this, she once again stepped up and supported me by becoming my business partner. She became my extra pair of hands when I live streamed my talks, she became my second pair of eyes when I wrote an article or blog post and most importantly she became my second voice when I needed a little extra help. I am glad to have a woman like this in my life and I am Proud to be able to call this amazing woman my mum. The next time you see my mum at an event make sure you thank her as she is the reason I am who I am and is the reason I am able to advocate for a world where every young person is accepted and included no matter their ability. Thank you, mum, for everything you do and Happy Mother’s Day Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

mothers day