happy World Autism Awereness Day

Please note this is a post from 2018 if you would like to view our latest posts feel free to head to: www.brycepaceautismadvocate.com/news

(In support of Autism Acceptance we no longer refer to April 2nd as World Autism “Awareness” Day, We now refer it as World Autism Acceptance Day)

Today is a day of Celebration for the autism community, it is the day where we show the world our strength and our pride in being different. On this day 11 years ago, the United Nations designated April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day, however, today should not just be about raising awareness of autism, it should also be about a celebration of being different and raising acceptance. It should be a day where we can walk the streets proud of being on the spectrum. So, let’s do just that; let’s walk the streets and let people know that we are autistic and proud, that we are not sick or disabled, that we just have different abilities and are just like everyone else with a few quirks added into the mix. Today is our day so let’s get together and celebrate being unique and not part of the boring neurotypical community. There are many celebrations on today, and I encourage you to participate in an event near you whether that be a walk, by attending a sensory friendly screening of the Spectrospective film at a village cinema or just catching up with friends. Today is World Autism Awareness Day so let’s celebrate being different and let people know that we are autistic and proud.Happy Autism Awareness Day Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

april 2


Spectrospective 2018 Film


Happy Autism Awareness Month