Do you know a student on the autism spectrum who is interested in making a positive difference to Autistic Students’ education?
Do you know a student on the autism spectrum who is interested in making a positive difference to Autistic Students’ education? well I have the opportunity for you. On the 20th of March 2018 there will be a Professional Development Day for Teachers in South West Victoria and am looking for 3 keen students to be on a student panel. They will be joined by 5 students from across the South West District to answer questions from educators so as improve their understanding of how to involve autistic students in classroom life.
If you are an educator and know somebody who could be interested please share this information with them. Each school who has a student on the panel will be provided with 5 discounted tickets to the event. If this sounds like the opportunity for you contact me by emailing me at: bryce.pace.autism.advocate@gmail .com
Bryce Pace
Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker