Happy World Autism Acceptance Day!
Today is World Autism Acceptance Day which is a day where we celebrate our amazing autism community. Today is also a day where we advocate for a more accepting, inclusive and accessible world for those of us on the autism spectrum.
17 years ago the United Nations designated April 2nd “World Autism Awareness Day”; a day to highlight the need to improve the quality of life of people on the autism spectrum. In recent years, this day has evolved into a day where we celebrate everything the autism community brings to this world. It is a day where we encourage the world to accept and include us just the way we are. It is also a day where we show the world that autism is not something to be ashamed of or something we must hide but is what makes us who we are.
Today let’s show the world what autism truly looks like and celebrate human diversity. Let’s use today to proudly show the world our talents and special interests, let’s show what makes us unique and be proud of who we are and inspire the world to accept and include us as we are.
Today I would like to encourage everyone to celebrate in their own way, whether that means spending time with friends, attending an event near you, or just by supporting local autistic run businesses.
I would also like to encourage everyone to use today to start a conversation in your local community about autism acceptance, inclusion and access. Talk to your workplace, school or local council about what they can do to help make your community more autism friendly.
This World Autism Acceptance day, let’s make a meaningful difference by advocating for a world that accepts, includes and embraces autism. Let’s also make sure to celebrate the amazing and unique things the autism community brings to the world and what you as individuals bring to your community.
Happy World Autism Acceptance Day
Bryce Pace
Autism Advocate, Consultant, Speaker