Warrnambool Seminar Tickets Almost Gone!
Tomorrow Afternoon I have the pleasure of hosting an autism seminar in Warrnambool.
I am so excited to finally be able to come home to Warrnambool and host one of our seminars in the very town where my journey with autism began.
During this two hour seminar we invite you to join us as we explore our own journey with autism and all the successes and challenges that come from growing up Autistic in a Neurotypical World.
From my mother, Angela raising 2 autistic sons to my experience of growing up as an autistic and bisexual individual in Regional Victoria. You will have the opportunity to learn new strategies to support the autistic in your life from those who understand it most.
Some of the topics we will cover include diagnosis, raising autistics, the school experience, independent living, LGBTQIA+ identity, employment and self advocacy.
You can find more information about the event and how to register below and also by heading to: https://www.brycepaceautismadvocate.com/events
We do only have a limited amount of tickets left so if you are interested in attending we recommend you register today!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Bryce Pace
Autism Advocate, Consultant, Speaker