Today We Stand Against Discrimination

Today is IDAHOBIT Day which is a day where we celebrate the colour and beauty the LGBTQIA+ community brings to the world while also taking a stand against the discrimination and hate our community still faces throughout the world.

The LGBTQIA+ community is very diverse which unfortunately means many people around the world are affected by discrimination based on their gender identity and/or sexual orientation. This discrimination also encompasses a large portion of the autism community. It has been recognised that autistics are 2-3 times more likely to identify as being LGBTQIA+ than neurotypicals, however despite this many people still believe harmful stereotypes around our gender and sexuality.  Many people still believe that all people on the autism spectrum are either Asexual, or that we are just confused when it comes to our gender identity. It is important to acknowledge that though many autistics do identify as being Asexual or Ace, our community is filled with people from all parts of the LGBTQIA+ rainbow.

As a recently out Bisexual I can confirm that these misconceptions of autism and more broadly the disability community make it harder for people to not only explore their identity but also to express it. Currently due to this attitude there is a lack of autistic specific resources and services available leading individuals to either attempt to work out their identity on their own or to hide their true selves as their stories may differ from neurotypical LGBTQIA+ individuals. There is very much a one service fits all attitude towards LGBTQIA+ issues and this is leaving many individuals to fend for themselves. This is why I am so passionate about not only sharing my own journey but also providing resources to those who are still exploring, you can find them via the resources page linked below.

Today I not only want to highlight the need for autistic specific LGBTQIA+ supports, I also want to acknowledge and stand with the wider LGBTQIA+ community.

This year I feel it is especially important to acknowledge and celebrate IDAHOBIT day, to stand with the whole LGBTQIA+ community against the hate we still experience. From Anti-transgender speeches on the steps of State Parliaments to anti-LGBTQIA+ pickets outside youth events and Drag Story Times, not to mention many IDAHOBIT Day events being canceled due to threats. The Australian LGBTQIA+ community has definitely had a rough year so far and is in need of much love and support.

Today I would like to encourage everyone to show your support for the LGBTQIA+ community in your own way. Whether that be by sharing this post with your friends and family, by donating to an LGBTQIA+ organisation or attending one of the IDAHOBIT events still being held.  Today let’s show the world that Australia supports and celebrates human diversity and does not tolerate hate and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.


Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Consultant, Speaker


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