Understanding Autism Workshops Accessibility.
We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure our workshops can be enjoyed by all and I am pleased to announce that this event will include:
Companion Tickets
Accessible Parking
Accessible Bathrooms
Step Free Access via lift
Changing Places Facility
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
Sensory Tools
Social Story (download now available)
You can learn more about the accessibility features and register by heading to: https://www.brycepaceautismadvocate.com/understnding-autism-ballarat
If you have any questions regarding accessing the event feel free to contact us by:
Email: contactus@brycepaceautismadvocate.com
Phone: 0447 619 496
Webchat: via Facebook or on our website.
I look forward to seeing you next week!
Bryce Pace
Autism Advocate, Consultant, Speaker