Bryce Pace - Autism Advocate Turns 7!

Today I am very proud to say is Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate’s 7th birthday. Today marks 7 years since I wrote a facebook post that began a new and exciting chapter in my life.

7 years ago while still a high school student I came home frustrated and disappointed at how my peers where using autism as a derogatory term, so I decided to do what any 21st century teenager does. I logged onto Facebook and vented my mind and frustrations into a post; little did I know where this was going to lead.

I often reference this post as my ‘coming out’ post. This is because before this day no one outside my family knew about my autism as four years prior I chose to mask my true self as I did not want a repeat of my primary school experience.

Since that day 7 years ago a lot has happened. I started up a business, I have facilitated workshops all over Victoria and interstate. I have also had the privilege to be featured in training videos, newspaper articles, and radio shows in addition to participating on panels and in focus groups. Very exciting opportunities have also presented in the way of accessibility audits at various venues including the MCG, The Australian Open and more recently The Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix. Let’s also not forget last year I had the opportunity to help design Australia’s 1st job site designed by people with a disability for people with a disability. I also came out as Bisexual in what you could call my 2nd coming out post titled Autism and Sexuality. I have come a long way in 7 years and have done so much, however the best part about the work I have done over the years is the amazing people I have had the opportunity to meet and spend time with along the way. Those people who have helped make Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate what it is today.

On this day I would like to thank everyone who has assisted in the growth of Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate. The organisations and businesses who continue to support our work and everyone who has supported us by attending our workshops and by following us on social media, if it wasn’t for you we would not be here today.

Looking back over the past 7 years I am very proud of what we have been able to achieve and how far we have come. It is amazing to think that just 7 years ago I was still a high school student who was hiding a massive secret from the world and now I have the pleasure of influencing real change in the area of autism acceptance, inclusion and access. Bryce Pace – Autism Advocate may still be young however, I am proud to know that we have already left a positive mark on this world and I look forward to sharing with you all for many years to come our continued journey towards creating a world that accepts, includes and embraces the autism spectrum.

Thank You

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Consultant, Speaker

P.S if you would like to read the facebook post referenced in this post you can find it by heading to:




Happy Easter!